Making a real difference through inquiry

Late last year, I was fortunate to spend some time with Hilary Green - then a graduate teacher in a local school here in inner Melbourne. Hilary described in enthusiastic detail, an inquiry she and her team had facilitated with their 6 &7 year old students. The inquiry started out as an investigation into the culture of play but culminated in the students experiencing the power of giving to make a difference to the lives of others. Along the way they built skills as researchers, designers, film makers, collaborators, communicators and activists! I asked Hilary to write about this experience as a guest on my blog – here is a great example of a rigorous yet emergent approach to inquiry – and real action as a result!  I am sure you will enjoy reading her reflection.


About the inquiry.

" Our inquiry was initially into ‘The Culture of Play’ (part of a whole school project into culture). The Year 1 teaching team thought that by exploring play, a subject the children in which the children were experts, we would be able to uncover the complexities of culture. The first semester saw us explore many questions we had about play. What do we play? Where do we play? How do we play and even why do we play? From there, the children narrowed down their ideas to categories their ideas into three things that affect play that they want to explore. At the end of term we presented our research in the form of a film festival, a nighttime celebration involving all children and parents where the children presented short films they had made.


The film night was made up of 3 short films, each using a different “language” of expression. This included animation, silhouette mime and a puppet theatre. Each of the films was based on an experience we had exposed the children to which included visits to retirement villages another school and the Melbourne Museum.

The seeds of action...Prior to the film festival, one of the children suggested that we raise money from the night and make toys for asylum seeker children in detention because they didn’t have toys. After some discussion, the group agreed and a new branch of the inquiry grew. Like real designers, the children began by making some prototyopes and co constructed some success criteria - they wanted the toys to be:

  • Safe
  • Able to be shared with friends
  • Long lasting
  • Comforting
  • Imaginative
  • Used in many different ways
  • Made with strong materials
  • Age appropriate

Children were so excited about this action they naturally involved their families after hours:

toy10Some parents shared their knowledge of the design process and another whose work involved defending the legal rights of refugees, was able to answer the children’s increasing questions:

  •  My dad goes to court and argues about refugees coming to Australia. He argues with the government to make sure that refugees are safe. He came to talk to us about refugees.  Hannah
  • David showed us on a world map where refugees are coming from.  Alima
  • Refugees are people who are forced to leave their home because it is too dangerous. Holly
  • Detention centres are places where people cannot come and go as they like.  Vittoria

The children worked in small groups to develop initial designs and prototypes of toys for the children in detention centres. They then reviewed each others’ designs each other feedback.

toy22      Initial design of a playmat

toy29   Final Playmat

Another father, who designs soft toys came in to share the toys he designs and makes. The children thought of the questions to ask him:

  • How do you put the stuffing in?
  • How do I create the different colours on my material?
  • How do you know what materials to use?


At all stages of the process, the children were inquirers – whether they were investigating how to create their own film, asking experts questions, testing out designs, learning how to physically construct aspects of their toy/game – they had to question, investigate and meaning make in authentic ways. By the end of the inquiry, the children had collaborated to produce some beautiful toys and games to give to the children being housed in detention centres in Melbourne. They decided to write letters to accompany their gifts – the letters show how emotionally invested the children became in this project:



Some reflections

As a first year teacher, this experience has taught me a great deal about teaching and learning through inquiry. What made it so fulfilling? I think the following elements played a crucial role:

Expectation – believing that children can achieve more than you think. As a new teacher, I find that coming fresh into teaching often brings about moments where I think… will this be too hard for them…I’ll just see how it goes and they always surprise me. Some children become experts and then they teach others. I was amazed at what they could do –as film makers, toy makers and activists!

Listening – letting the students have a voice/ drive the project at critical turning points. Often it was just a brief whole class discussion at the end of the day but the students always had questions and we responded to their questions – letting them guide the next stage of the inquiry.

Documentation  We regularly displayed questions and student work so that students (and parents) could see the way the project was building over time and the children could see what their peers were thinking. Regular documentation helped us track and reflect on the inquiry.

Parent Involvement  Our cohort was blessed with parents who had expertise in the areas we needed. But others were similarly keen to help. When things were overloaded, I organized a “Stitch and Socialise” night were I brought any sewing that the kids would find too tricky and the parents came to learn how to sew or just do their best to finish off the toys.

Teacher and community collaboration The teachers in my team all had different strengths which added to the engagement of the students. We relied heavily on experiences in the community and the emphasis was very much on primary sources. The students themselves – though young – collaborated throughout. Making the animated movies in small groups was the perfect vehicle for true collaboration – they had a shared goal and needed to do lots fo communicating and problem solving to make it happen. The use of ipads for this aspect of the inquiry was fantastic.

Authentic purpose. I have now seen how engaged kids are when they have a real purpose for their inquiry. At different stages in the inquiry…they recorded their invented games to share each other, they made films because they believed what they learned was worth sharing -and they also loved the idea of having a night time film festival where they would be the stars (wouldn’t you?). But perhaps the most powerful purpose was their drive to make a positive difference to the lives of other children. As the letters they wrote to accompany the toys attest – our children showed real empathy and compassion. This is an aspect of the inquiry I want to try to consider throughout my future as a teacher."

Hilary Green, July 2014

I am sure that readers of this blog will agree that this is an example of a rich, authentic inquiry.  Let's keep reminding ourselves of the importance of real purposes and action for learning - asking kids "We KNOW this...but what can we DO about it?" - As Hilary's narrative shows, action itself can be the greatest catalyst for inquiry.

How well do your inquiries prompt powerful action?

Just wondering....

Planning for inquiry – an opportunity for growth and inspiration.

It’s mid-year planning season in many Australian schools. Each term, around this time, I  find myself more often working with small teams of teachers around a planning table rather than in a classroom or at a podium. I admit, it’s one of my favourite things to do. I love the creative energy that inquiry planning demands of us. I love the challenge of connecting the children’s questions and interests with the resources we have, the curriculum and the teacher’s bigger picture view of where he/she wants to taker her students. I also love the fact that, in the schools I am fortunate enough to work in, teachers are prepared to have real conversations about the concepts the children will be exploring. We take time to ask ourselves what WE understand…over the last week I have had fascinating conversations about the nature of 'work', the true meaning of sustainability, what the term ‘states of matter’ REALLY means and why it's even worth learning about, the derivation of the word ‘commemorate’ , the relationship between force and energy, the complexities of the idea of a ‘balanced’ diet…I could go on! Looking back over the week, I am struck not only by the sheer diversity of ideas teachers grapple with as they plan but the increasing need for us to be strong inquirers ourselves. When we slow down our planning conversations and resist the urge to simply generate activities – we begin to ask questions and see our own confusions, uncertainties and gaps in our understandings.   Here’s where the collaborative element of planning is so important. Taking time to toss ideas around, to challenge each other, to clarify to draw on our own experience not only enriches the conversation but provides a much more stable basis upon which to identify the key conceptual understandings for students. While I appreciate the intended message of the phrase ‘learning alongside the student’ in an inquiry classroom, I am also acutely aware of the way a teacher’s lack of clarity can lead to poor questioning and missed opportunities for deeper thinking.   Taking time to talk through our own ways of seeing the ‘big picture’ of any inquiry journey is such a valuable component of the conversation around the planning table – and SO much richer than simply listing a bunch of achievement standards from a curriculum.


Collaborative planning for inquiry has become increasingly responsive and representative of the needs and interests of various groups and individuals. While teams still plan some similar strategies and experiences, the days of ‘cookie cutter’ units are over. When a team is clear about the bigger picture – there is greater flexibility in how different classes/students will travel towards it. One of my stand out moments for a really delightful week of planning was a conversation I had with the early years teachers at Roberts McCubbin Primary School here in Melbourne. Like many of the schools I work with, teachers at this level are encouraged to be on the look at for moments that lend themselves to authentic and powerful investigations. As we evaluated the inquiry work done over the term, one teacher in the team, Anita Siggins,  had us all mesmerized by her sharing of the unexpected inquiry that unfolded when she brought in a perfectly sculpted, abandoned birds’ nest to show her children. This provocation opened up such rich learning for her fascinated students who have continued the most stunning investigation in their quest to find out what bird made it and how. As she shared her stories, photos, student questions, responses and documentation with us – her genuine delight in the experience was infectious and inspiring. I know we all went away from that meeting reminded of the power of a spontaneous, genuine inquiry.

I have said before on this blog, that I believe collaborative planning to be a valuable form of professional learning.   In a worthwhile planning meeting we not only share but we inspire, challenge and question each other. And what results is far more than what goes ‘on the planner’ or ‘in the minutes’ – we grow ourselves as inquirers.

How inspiring are your planning meetings?  Just wondering...



What teachers say about being inquirers.

Last week, I was fortunate to spend some time in a school with which I have had an ongoing partnership for a few years now. - Macquarie primary School in Canberra, Australia.  As their work on developing approaches to inquiry in the classroom grows, there is a simultaneous interest in the ways in which inquiry can drive teacher learning.  Schools as ‘communities of inquiry’ is not a new concept – but can be a challenging one to put into practice. This school has taken the bold step of appointing a teacher with expertise in higher degree research to act as a mentor teachers who are each engaged in an inquiry project of their choice. Like a growing number of schools, Macquarie is recognizing that in order for teachers to fully bring this ethos to their work with children – they need to see themselves as inquirers. Each teacher has selected an issue, problem or challenge to inquire into. The foci for their projects is, in most cases, is directly relevant to an identified area of need for their students as well as being something that they have a personal interest in as an educator. In many ways, these professional inquiries mirror the work we do with personalized inquiry for students such as ‘itime’ or ‘passion projects’ where we invite students to pursue questions of personal significance to them.  During my meetings with teachers, I asked them to reflect on how deep involvement in an inquiry project was influencing their thinking about the way they work with inquiry in the classroom. Their reflections were honest and insightful. In this post, I am sharing some of these reflections- and the potential implications for how we engaging students in quality inquiry. I am so grateful to the great staff of Macquarie for allowing me to share in their journey and their permission to include their thoughts in this post.

What teachers said about being inquirers What that got us thinking about how we work with kids
“It’s taking me longer than I thought it would.   I need time.” We need to provide kids with ample time for their inquiries. Let’s acknowledge that it DOES take more time to work this way and stop cluttering the path with too many 'activities'.
“I am passionate about this- so I am into it.   I am so glad I didn't get told what I HAD to inquire into.” Choice and voice are essential for motivation.   Being given an opportunity to investigate things that are important to us is a powerful motivator – this kind of interest-based inquiry must be part of the landscape in our classrooms
“It’s been so frustrating because I can’t find much information on this. Only really academic articles that make my eyes glaze over…" When kids can't access or understand the information they are gathering, motivation decreases and engagement is lost. We need to support students in finding relevant and accessible information. Frustration and confusion is inevitable, but if it goes on for too long it is counter-productive.
“At first felt like I lacked the skills to do this. I really needed our mentor to help me narrow my focus/use the right search tools and get me on track. Having those 1-1 conversations has been really helpful.” The teacher’s role is essential. This role is a skills and process-based one. We need to offer our learners explicit instruction on HOW to inquire – and this ideally comes at the point of need. Teachers can’t always be across the content of all students’ inquiries – but they help provide the tools and processes, feedback and questions that help maintain momentum. Time for students to meet and discuss their inquiries is so important.
“I’ve changed my mind three times – but I am on track now. Once I started, I realized I was less interested in that than this! I basically had to start again but I know what I am doing now.” We need to allow kids to change their minds!     As we confer with students we should be asking – “how are you feeling about what you are doing?” We should consider giving them permission to change track if they can justify why. It’s what researchers do.
“Well…I feel like I’m not doing this properly. I am not really researching because I am basically just trying stuff out with my kids and reflecting on it.” Kids often have a misconception about the term ‘research’ too! For many students, research is something you do when you ‘Google it’ or use a book.   In fact, we can research by DOING, experimenting, observing, interviewing, viewing….we need to keep the concept of research broader and value a range of methodologies.
“It was suggested that I  present this at a conference. It freaked me out! I thought, If I have to stand up at a conference and talk about this – I DON’T want to continue!”            AndIt's so exciting because, I was told that I could share this at a conference which is a great opportunity!” Do we stifle enthusiasm for investigation when we insist on public sharing of learning? For some children, I have no doubt that we do. Conversely, others will be highly motivated by the opportunity to bring their learning to a wider audience. Again – choice and diversity are the keys.
“I have made a start but I don’t think I really know what my question is yet.” It has been common practice to ask students to begin to design an inquiry by framing a question. Some inquiries, however, require exploration before we can figure out what it is we need to ask.   Do we model this to students?   Even when we use an inquiry cycle … we need to show students that starting points will vary according to context and prior learning.
 “It feels a bit all over the place. I am doing bits and pieces but I think that’s OK –I think it will come together. I'm finding out some fascinating things.” Inquiry is often messy. We need to acknowledge this as we engage in both guided and more open inquiry with students. While the process should be made explicit, we must show should the recursive nature of that process. Presenting the journey as a strictly linear one (e.g. “the scientific process’) can be misleading and unhelpful.
“I am working on something I am very passionate about – but it actually makes me feel quite vulnerable. What if people don’t care about it like I do? What if others think I’ve chosen something silly? What if I find I am questioned or challenged about it? How will I cope with that?” 





We can learn so much about inquiry by being inquirers ourselves. How often do we stop to reflect on our own experience of this process - both formal and informal?  And what connections do we make between our learning and our students' learning...?

Just wondering....


This beautifully honest comment made us all think about the flip side of allowing students to pursue their passions in the very public and collaborative context of a classroom. We need to remember that our passions often form part of our identity…they matter to us. Some students may choose to investigate things we deem less important or less worthy than others – but they matter to THEM. Permission to explore passions needs to be given alongside a commitment to respect and support the individual’s interests. Questioning needs to happen from a disposition of genuine curiosity rather than skepticism or judgment. 




What makes us wonder?

The name of this blog 'justwondering' is an attempt to capture the essential ingredient of true inquiry - wonder.  As a young teacher, I recall learning of Art Costa's 16 'Habits of Mind' and being particularly enamoured with the idea that 'wonder and awe' could be cultivated as a habit...a way of thinking day in, day out.  I was, and still am, curious about those students for whom it seemed natural to approach the world with exactly this disposition – eagerly questioning, finding things ‘awesome’, intrigued and interested. Working with and parenting children has taught me a lot about wonder and I hope that it is indeed a habit that I, too, take into my daily life. Wonder can add such a richness to the can turn a tedious moment in a supermarket queue into a fascinating social experiment, a frustrating interaction with a recalcitrant colleague into study of communication and a walk through the park with a 3 year old into a journey of delight and discovery.  It’s all about getting into the habit of approaching such moments with wonder.

Inquiry teachers make it their business to wonder and to invite and nurture wonder in their students. I have written extensively about questions and about the disposition of curiosity in this blog before but today, I am simply reflecting on the things that make ME wonder - and the implications of that for my teaching. The term 'provocation' widely used in inquiry circles is the perfect descriptor of the spark that activates wonder.  Inquiry teachers are expert provocateurs (hmmmm that doesn't sound quite right!) and they also recognise a provocative moment when they see (or feel) one. Recently, I spent a week noticing and recording some of the moments that made me wonder. In doing so, I was reminded of some of the characteristics of powerful provocations in the classroom. Here are some moments from my week of wonders…

An unexpected moment

One day, as I drove (crawled) to work along the freeway, I had the extraordinary experience of seeing no less than 7 low-hanging hot air balloons suspended in the sky before me. They were so close, I could hear the flame roaring.  My head was instantly filled with questions....what can they see from up there? Why is the flame intermittent? Why that shape?  How do they steer the balloon or are they at the mercy of the wind?  How do they avoid each other? How do they navigate?

This stunning provocation was of a grand scale. It reminded me of the power of a direct, inspiring and often unexpected experience.  While we may not be able to orchestrate such a stunning vision for our students, we have the wonders of the web to serve us up extraordinary scenes, images and clips every day.  Of course, there is nothing like seeing it for real but if that is not possible, have something intriguing on your screen as students walk in the room. You don't need to say anything.

The power of story

That same day, when I arrived at the school I was working in, a teacher was sharing with her colleagues the story of how she had been bitten by a spider the previous evening and the effect of that on her leg. We were all mesmerised by her story! No sooner had she finished speaking, the questions started flying. How did she feel? Was she scared? What did the spider look like? Did it hurt? What did the doctor say?

Never underestimate the power of a good story. Especially a story well told!  Narrative is highly engaging and by its very nature, prompts an audience to wonder.  Using story to provoke inquiry can be exquisite - whether planned or unplanned. If it is early in an inquiry, it need not be a detailed epic adventure...just enough to spark wondering and activate questions.

A problem to solve

I travel a great deal and often find myself organizing logistics in a hurry. That week, I had the awful experience of realizing I had failed to take time differences into account and now had a problem with how to get home in time to meet other urgent commitments after the trip. I needed to work out a solution. I spent a long time calculating and recalculating time, time differences across 4 countries, fare prices, journey durations, currency conversions....I was deeply engaged in mathematical and geographic inquiry…. I had to be!

Sometimes the best provocations are those that really do PROVOKE. They unsettle, they create tension, confusion or the need to resolve something.  This moment reminded me of the deliberate activation of tension to spark inquiry...a simulation (eg ‘Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes’) that has kids fired up with righteous indignation or simply a problem to solve - be it in the school yard or the community.  When handled well, tension and confusion are the gateway to great inquiry.


The passions of others – knowing what you don't know.

Later in the week, I attended a presentation about overseas student exchanges with one of my daughters. I was tired and not all that interested - thinking I had read enough of the material and knew what I needed to know. I didn't. After the initial presentation, a student who had returned from exchange got up and spoke to the group about his experience. This guy knew what he was talking about – and I realized there were lots of things we still needed to explore.. I sat up and listened...I wanted to find out more.

The authenticity and passion of an expert...someone in the field who knows their stuff and someone we feel can really trust can be the very thing that sparks questions.  Inviting an expert to share their passion with students can be a fantastic provocation for further inquiry. It can move us from thinking we ‘know it all’ to realising we actually have so much more to learn...or from thinking it's irrelevant to becoming interested.

Activating the senses

Anyone who has ever decided to paint a room white will know that there are, in fact, many, many ‘whites’!  For an hour this week, I experimented with white. I was fascinated by the way the same section of wall could look so different in different light. Painting small sections of my wall was sensory and meditative as well as intriguing.    As I played with the samples of white paint that day, I was, indeed, filled with wonder! It was only partly born of the intellectual challenge of selecting the right was also connected to the sensory, felt experience of engaging with the materials...the brush, the surfaces, the paint, the light, the smell, the texture. I loved it! I spend so much time in my head...actually DOING was just what I needed to help me know what I needed to know.

Some of the most inspiring provocations I have seen have been those that involved the senses.  Early years teachers, in particular, know of the power of materials to provoke curiosity and questioning.  A basket of seeds, beautiful to the touch, a pattern of glass beads on a light box, magnets and iron filings, an assortment of exotic shells....objects that provoke experimentation and exploration are the key to some of the most seductive inquiry moments in the classroom.

When wonder wanes…

After a week of deliberately noticing things that made me wonder it was fascinating to experience something that (momentarily) killed my curiosity! Even my best efforts to try to rise above could not lessen the impact of….

 a Saturday afternoon at IKEA.   

Here was, ostensibly,  a sea of provocation....but it was all too much. Overload!!!  There were, in short, too many choices. I found it impossible to get a big picture of where I was so I was confined to following meaningless arrows for fear I would get lost. I dare not dawdle and spend time at anything that caught my eye in case I got left behind.   And it was crowded and noisy. I was surrounded by people arguing about which bar stool to buy or vying to get the attention of the exhausted shop assistant. The space was physically cluttered –so it became hard to focus on what I had come to buy. In that intensified, busy, noisy environment, I noticed my clarity diminishing as well as my motivation. I could feel my energy draining and I longed to be out of there, in a peaceful space where I could re-focus and hear myself think.

I guess you know where I am going with this.  I think that sometimes our schools can be a bit like IKEA on a Saturday afternoon.  Perhaps in an attempt to make them provocative and stimulating (or simply through neglect) , we can create environments that render our children overwhelmed and bewildered.  Rooms might simply be too cluttered....too much stuff, too many subjects, too little time, too many kids in spaces that are too small and too noisy.  Too much going on. What I have been most conscious of this week is that my best wondering happened when I had space and time...and a provocation...often a single moment, a simple act that drew me in.

I want the teachers and kids I work with to see me as an inquirer – someone thirsty with questions and eager to explore. I don't need to know all the answers but I do want awe and wonderment to be part of who I am – just as I want that for the students and teachers with whom I work. The art of provocation is a joy to cultivate as a teacher.

What works for you?  What makes YOU wonder....?

Just wondering……

How do inquiry teachers….teach?

When I first became fascinated in inquiry-based approaches (too many years ago to say!), the focus for many of my conversations and indeed, my early research, was on how to plan.  Back then, learning about inquiry helped me shift my thinking from planning thematically – or even in a more genuinely integrated way, to planning with a learning process in mind.  Understanding inquiry helped me think more carefully about learning. Planning was no longer focused on making clever curriculum connections – it was about designing a process that would scaffold thinking from the known to the unknown, from shallow to deep  and that would place the learner at the heart of all we did.  My planning got better – much better. That approach to planning is now deeply embedded in my way of being as a teacher.  It is organic and fluid. I don’t need to have it all mapped out the way I once did – I can combine my understanding of process with the immediate interests and needs of the learners with whom I work.

 This emergent approach to planning is central to the inquiry teacher’s repertoire and remains a significant part of the work I do…but over the last few years in particular, I find myself thinking so much more about what happens when this plan gets put into action.  The planning and the teaching are certainly deeply connected but - too often, inquiry seems almost synonymous with ‘units’.   The cringe-worthy phrase “we do inquiry” usually means: we fill in an inquiry planner using a cycle/framework of inquiry – we document tasks in the boxes (even in an emergent way) and the tasks are student-centred  - such as visible thinking routines, etc.   

 However well a ‘planner’ reads – what really counts is what the teacher actually DOES with those plans.  If we simply list strategies or resources or the ubiquitous “discuss with children….” –have we thought sufficiently about how we will teach?     I have experienced, many times, teachers emerge from the same planning meetings, with the same broad intentions and indeed with some excellent, promising learning engagements…. only to see true inquiry unfold in one classroom and not another.

 Inquiry is not just about knowing how to plan – it’s about how we teach. It’s about what we say to kids and how we say it. It’s about the way we listen and the way we feel about what our kids are saying. It’s about knowing when to step back and when to step in.  The language we use and the silences we deliberately leave.  It’s about what we are thinking about what we are doing.  To one teacher “See, Think, Wonder” is an engaging learning task to be completed at the beginning of a unit – to another it is a window onto children’s theories, an opportunity explore how a student ‘sees’ a concept.   A ‘unit of inquiry’ is not worth the paper it is written on if we don’t know what it means to be an inquiry teacher.

 I have long been utterly intrigued by the question “what makes an inquiry teacher’ – why is it that some find it such a natural disposition and while others struggle SO much with sharing power or seeing a bigger picture?  But I’ll save my musings on that for another time….  Today, I am thinking about what inquiry means for the act of ‘teaching’ itself.   Here are techniques or approaches I observe inquiry teachers use.  A dozen of the best…..

 1. They talk less.  It’s that simple (I’m still working on that one myself!!) 

 2. They ask more.  The discourse in an inquiry classroom is rich with quality questions – inquiry teachers know how to use questions to help students uncover their own thinking and understanding.

 3. They relate – with the heart as well as the head.  The BEST inquiry teachers I see genuinely enjoy their students and know them.  Knowing your students is the key to successful facilitation – particularly of personal inquiries.

 4. They let kids in on the secret – inquiry teachers have a transparent style. It’s not just about putting learning intentions up on the wall – they constantly ensure their kids know why they are doing what they are doing.  Inquiry teachers often think aloud – they reveal the complexities and the joys of learning to their students by being a learner.

5. They use language that is invitational and acknowledges the elasticity of ideas.  Words like ‘might’ ‘could’ ‘possibly’ ‘wonder’ ‘maybe’ ‘we’ are used far more  than ‘must’ ‘is’ ‘will’ ‘I’.    They remain open to possibility…. and you can hear it in their voice.  Inquiry teachers speak what Claxton calls “learnish”  - and they help their students speak it too.

 6. They check in with their kids – a lot.  The teaching itself looks, sounds and feels like an act of inquiry.  They listen, observe and ‘work the space’.  They do not spend most of their time at the front of the room.  The teach beside – sometimes ‘on the side’ and not – for the most part – on the stage.

 7. They collaborate with their students. They trust them!  The ‘asymmetry’ of power in the traditional classroom is challenged by inquiry teachers – they allow role reversal and are comfortable letting the learner lead.  

 8. They use great, challenging, authentic resources – not just the ones that are easy and on hand.  They are hunters and gatherers – looking for objects, people, places, texts that will bring the world to their kids.

 9. They are passionate and energetic.  And that includes some of the most calm and quiet teachers I have ever worked with!  I think that’s true of all the best teachers – inquiry based or not  - but these teachers are passionate about investigation, about the thrill of discovery, about seeing patterns and the learner ‘getting it’ – they are genuinely interested in the world and relentlessly curious.  And it shows.  

 10. They see the bigger picture – they have a good grasp of the significant concepts and skills relevant to the focus of students’ inquiry.   They may not know all the facts – but they DO have a ‘birds eye’, conceptual  view that is invaluable in scaffolding learning for children.  You can hear it in the way they question.

 11. They invite, celebrate and USE questions, wonderings, uncertainties and tensions that arise from their students.  They may not be the questions they expected – but they use those questions to scaffold learning.

12. Traditional pedagogy sees the teacher provide a set of instructions, make sure everyone ‘knows what to do’, explain everything and THEN students might be given some time to do a task themselves. It’s about 80% teacher led and 20% student.  Inquiry-based pedagogy gets kids doing, thinking and investigating – and the explicit teaching happens in response to what the teacher sees and hears.  The 80:20 ration is reversed. Good inquiry teachers know how to get more kids thinking more deeply more of the time.

In inquiry schools, we spend a lot of time planning and documenting. These conversations are invaluable and I am not for a moment, suggesting this is not important. But let’s remember that what counts the most, as Hattie and others remind us, is what we think, do and say when we engage with our students. Programs and planners don’t make inquiry happen. Teachers and learners do.

 What do you think it means to be an inquiry teacher?

 Just wondering….

And the word is?….

I have just finished a delightful week of inquiring with the elementary teachers at Zurich International school.   The work we were doing was very focused on ways in which we can elevate the ‘status’ of transdisciplinary skills as we plan, teach, assess and reflect.  As I have discussed several times on this blog, learning to think, collaborate, research, self-manage and communicate are central to what it means to inquire.  As an inquiry teacher, my aim is to help my students become increasingly aware of the skills and dispositions that enable them to approach ANY questions, issues, problems, challenges. I want them to learn to learn. Over the course of the week, the concept we returned to again and again was that of ‘intention’.  We explored what it meant to ‘teach with intention’ – and what those intentions might look, sound and feel like in the context of an inquiry classroom.   We recognized that our intentions may shift as we listen to and observe children but that, without intention, we missed teachable moments and we lacked clarity.

Much of our planning this week has been about clarifying intentions in response to students’ interests and questions.  We were reminded that this is the essence of quality planning and that helps us resist the urge to generate ‘activities’ rather than consider purpose.

Being intentional helps us be better teachers – but it is also a valuable disposition as a learner.   If I enter a learning experience in a mindful, intentional state – I get so much more out of it.  I might remind myself to ‘listen actively’ to what my colleagues are saying or ‘stay open minded’ when I think I am about to be challenged.  This ‘moment of mindfulness’ is something we can help our students learn to do. It’s not about completing a task or even about the content of the task….it’s about our intention,  as learners, to get the most out of that moment.  To notice.

For many of my colleagues in the southern hemisphere, a new school year is soon to begin.   What better time to think about our intentions.   Over the last few years, I have used a simple technique in both my personal and professional life, to capture the ‘essence’ of my intentions for the year.

Rather than identify a lengthy list of goals or resolutions, I have, instead, chosen a word.  Just one word.IMG_2403

This word acts a gentle reminder to me of what it is I hope to do or be  - as a person and as a teacher.  Working with teachers at the beginning of the year, I have challenged them to do the same….”What’s your word?”


Identifying a word that captures the essence of your ‘intention’ for the year ahead is surprisingly powerful. It has a way of sneaking in to your daily activity and it becomes part of the lens through which you make a decision.   I feel as if I, metaphorically, carry my word in my pocket as I journey through the year.  I challenge myself to inquire into it – and to live up to it.

Regardless of the way we do it, inquiry teachers believe in the centrality of ‘agency’ – in helping students see that THEY are the ones doing the learning – learning isn't something that someone does to you.  Taking time to consider goals, intentions, hopes and dreams -  is an important part of developing this agency.

Are you entering the teaching year with intention?

What’s your word?

 Just wondering…..