to May 10


  • The Westin Wall Centre Richmond, BC (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Strengthen connections and ignite curiosity with colleagues dedicated to ensuring that every learner crosses the stage with dignity, purpose and options.


• Get curious with Kath Murdoch

• Get connected with Pete Bombaci

• Get reading with Rebecca Winthrop

• Go deeper with Leona Prince

• And, get ready for lots more!

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Building a classroom culture to support curious, empowered, capable learners. K-12:  NEW ZEALAND
9:00 AM09:00

Building a classroom culture to support curious, empowered, capable learners. K-12: NEW ZEALAND

Kath Murdoch and Trevor MacKenzie

Inquiry as an approach to teaching and learning has long been regarded as a powerful means not only to engage students, but as an approach that builds the critical skills, capabilities and dispositions for learning alongside a commitment to developing deep understanding across the curriculum.

Inquiry is more than a way to plan and teach a ‘unit’. It is a stance taken by teachers and learners and a ‘way of being ‘ in the classroom that is truly transformative.  This approach to teaching ignites a zest for learning driven by curiosity and collaborationas students explore questions of significance.

In this highly practical workshop, Trevor and Kath share ways to design and facilitate learning engagements that value agency and engage, support and challenge learners to take their thinking deeper. 

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Learner-Centered Assessment Practices. K-12.  NEW ZEALAND
9:00 AM09:00

Learner-Centered Assessment Practices. K-12. NEW ZEALAND

Kath Murdoch and Trevor MacKenzie

An exploration of assessment practices focusing on supporting growth, reflection, and nurturing assessment capable learners.

Kath and Trevor will facilitate learning about the power of conferring with students through questioning as well as feedback structures that allow for timely, responsive, and intentional next steps

Trevor MacKenzie is a part-time high school teacher in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. His research, consultancy, and authorship have reached all parts of the world as he works with schools, districts, organizations, and ministries/departments of education in a variety of contexts. Policy advising, curriculum development, professional development, and systems change are Trevor’s areas of expertise. His three publications are globally recognized as “must reads” in the inquiry-based school of thinking. He is a highly regarded speaker known for his heartfelt storytelling, kind demeanor, and person-first philosophy.

Trevor’s graduate research focused on identifying and removing the barriers to implementing inquiry-based learning in the K-12 setting. He has four publications: Dive into Inquiry; Inquiry Mindset Elementary Edition; Inquiry Mindset Assessment Edition; and Inquiry Mindset Questions Edition.

He has vast experience supporting schools across several years in implementation strategies in public schools, international schools, and International Baccalaureate programmes (PYP/MYP/DP).

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In-Person: Growing Assets for Learning: Becoming Stronger Researchers, Communicators, Contributors, Thinkers, Self Managers & Collaborators in the Inquiry classroom: THE HAGUE
to Mar 16

In-Person: Growing Assets for Learning: Becoming Stronger Researchers, Communicators, Contributors, Thinkers, Self Managers & Collaborators in the Inquiry classroom: THE HAGUE

  • The American School of the Hague (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In the inquiry classroom, we aim to nurture learners who see themselves as capable, curious, resourceful individuals with a strong sense of agency. There is growing evidence of the importance of nurturing the kinds of dispositions and skills associated with agency. Being curious, adventurous, resilient and coupled with the skills of self-management, collaboration, thinking and communication are amongst what we can think of as ‘assets’ for learning. Growing these assets in our learners helps set them on a path to independence and a love of learning for life.

These skills and dispositions do not grow by chance – they are best developed through an explicit, thoughtful, embedded approach that embodies an inquiry stance. The role of the educator is pivotal not only to what young people learn but to the image they have of themselves as learners. In this wonderfully interactive and motivating workshop, Kath will draw upon her vast experience of introducing her ‘learning assets’ to schools all over the world and sharing really practical ways to effectively embed skills and dispositions for learning into our work with children and their families.

This workshop will be very relevant to educators working with the IB Approaches to Learning and Profile Attributes but will also be designed to support any educators who have a framework for ‘learning to learn’. Those participants yet to develop such a framework, will walk away with a template for introducing one and a strong repertoire of strategies to support implementation.

Over the course of 2 days, participants will:

  • Be introduced to a variety of frameworks for learning to learn and deepen their understanding of skills and dispositions for independent learning

  • Take a deep dive into the skills and dispositions associated with self-management, collaboration, research, thinking, communication and contribution

  • Participate in and design learning tasks to explicitly develop skills associated with assets for learning

  • Explore ways to use the ‘language of learning’ in daily classroom discourse

  • Learn how to design ‘split screen’ learning intentions and build learning engagements that focus on the how of learning – not just the what

  • Explore a range of texts we can use to promote skills and dispositions for learning

  • Consider how the micro skills associated with each learning asset can be scoped out and gradually strengthened over time

  • Consider approaches to assessment in relation to these assets for learning

  • Learn how to weave the teaching of these skills and dispositions into a unit of inquiry.

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Teaching and Learning Through Inquiry: CHINA
to Mar 2

Teaching and Learning Through Inquiry: CHINA

  • Beijing City International School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In this practical workshop, participants have the opportunity to clarify their understanding of what it really means to use an inquiry based approach to teaching and learning in the primary / elementary classroom. Over two interactive days, teachers examine the essential elements of inquiry and how these elements can be 'brought to life' through quality planning, use of materials, choice of teaching strategies and interactions with students. Participants explore the conditions that best 'set the scene' for productive inquiry learning and the way in which we can be 'inquiring teachers' throughout our classroom program as well as within the context of inquiry-based 'units of work.' In addition to demonstrating many useful teaching strategies for the inquiring classroom, Kath takes teachers through her widely-used model for planning and teaching inquiry and shows how it can be adapted to builds students' understandings and interdisciplinary skills – particularly in the areas of thinking, collaboration, self management, research and communication. Practical examples from a wide range of settings are shared with teachers and they also have the opportunity to frame up plans to use back in their classroom.

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Inquiry In Action: JAKARTA
to Feb 8

Inquiry In Action: JAKARTA

  • Jakarta Intercultural School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A unique, classroom-based professional learning experience, exploring the pedagogy of inquiry across learning areas.

‘Inquiry in Action’ is a unique opportunity to grow your understanding of inquiry through observation and reflection. This boutique workshop invites educators to spend time in classrooms, watching skilled inquiry teachers at work in different areas of the curriculum and with different age groups. Our focus is on inquiry as a stance. While there are techniques and emphases particular to learning areas, there are many shared strategies that can be transferred across the day.

Participants in this workshop will spend time observing ‘learning labs’ followed by opprountities for guided analysis, reflection and transfer of the ideas to their own setting. They will emerge from the experience with a deeper understanding of the way in which they can nurture agency, cultivate curiosity, question for deeper thinking and release more responsibility to young learners. 

Although their work focuses on different learning areas, Kath Murdoch and Matt Glover have a common passion for inquiry as a vehicle for powerful teaching and learning. As global consultants, both Kath and Matt regularly work in classrooms, helping teachers to get a better picture of the design of an inquiry-based lesson. They are thrilled to be partnering in this event. They have invited Megan Holmstrom, a consultant in math education, to join them in the inaugural ‘Inquiry in Action’ workshop in Berlin and then also in Jakarta. And they have invited Paul Andersen, a consultant in science education, to join them in Jakarta.

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Auckland: Designing powerful journeys of inquiry with and for learners
9:30 AM09:30

Auckland: Designing powerful journeys of inquiry with and for learners

  • Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

One of the core elements of an inquiry based approach is the use of a ‘cycle of inquiry’ to support and scaffold both planning and teaching. This collaborative process is creative and dynamic and can be a powerful professional learning experience in itself. In this workshop we will explore practical approaches to designing inquiry journeys with and for our learners with an emphasis on striking a balance between forward mapping that attends to the curriculum and responsive planning that takes into account the needs and interests of students.

  • the essential ingredients in the planning process

  • choosing and working with real life contexts to enhance the power of an inquiry

  • strategies to enhance the quality of collaboration in a planning teajm

  • the role of concepts in planning

  • how to build connections across the curriculum

  • the way a cycle of inquiry can support the planning process

  • how to engage student voice in the design process

  • strategies for documentation

  • building assessment into the planning process

Kath will guide participants through her popular cycle of inquiry and show how understanding the elements of the process can make a powerful difference to the way we plan. Kath will show the way the cycle can be used to invite children into the planning process and how the meta language of the cycle can help children transfer the process to more personal, independent inquiries.  Kath will also identify how the cycle can help elevate the role of key competencies or ‘Learning Assets’ as it unfolds.  We will examine many examples of powerful inquiries to inspire us … come along ready to do some planning!

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Auckland: Getting Personal with Inquiry: honouring students interests and passions through a culture of inquiry. (NE-year 8)
9:30 AM09:30

Auckland: Getting Personal with Inquiry: honouring students interests and passions through a culture of inquiry. (NE-year 8)

  • Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

There has been growing interest in ‘personalised learning’ for many years now. Increasingly, schools are making arrangements to provide more opportunities for learners to learn to be self-directed and to have their needs and interests met through the curriculum.  An inquiry-based approach is in itself, an approach that recognises the importance of learner voice and choice and of linking new learning to the existing knowledge, experiences and interests of the child.  In this sense, inquiry has always been an approach that nurtured agency, but this can be amplified when children can pursue the questions, interests, problems, and wonders that matter to them.​

Teachers who use an inquiry-based approach are committed to helping learners ‘learn to learn’ and to equipping them with the skills and dispositions to more independently investigate questions, problems, issues and interests. But what opportunities do we give learners to do this beyond the “units of inquiry” we may develop?   How can we provide children with real opportunities to explore the things they are curious about?  And why is this so important?

This workshop is all about bringing an inquiry-based lens to our work with children and, in particular, building out capacity to use their interests and questions to inform our planning and teaching.​

We will explore the following questions with practical tasks and lots of recent examples from classrooms:

  • Why is personal inquiry important? What’s our purpose?

  • What is the role of shared inquiries that might be more teacher-initiated?

  • How can we meet the requirements of the curriculum AND honour children’s interests?

  • What is the teacher’s role in supporting children’s personal investigations?

  • How can we help children identify their interests? How can we inspire wonderment and curiosity?

  • How can we use materials to provoke and extend thinking about key concepts?

  • What skills and dispositions help support children as they inquire?

  • How can we make this manageable? What systems and routines and classroom set ups make it work?

  • How can we involve the wider community and communicate the importance of this practice to parents?

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Bangkok: Kaleidoscope of Inquiry Conference
to Apr 28

Bangkok: Kaleidoscope of Inquiry Conference

  • Bangkok Patana School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A Unique Opportunity To Explore Perspectives And Possibilities For Inquiry-Based Learning

Chapters International is thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for educators, happening next April in beautiful Thailand.

The Kaleidoscope of Inquiry Conference brings together 4 globally renowned educators who will invite participants to take a deep dive into the transformative potential of inquiry-based practices in classrooms, staff rooms and communities at large. Our presenters reflect a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences from teaching preschool through to senior secondary schools and universities. They have worked around the world in a range of settings and bring unique perspectives on the ways in which inquiry can be harnessed for powerful learning.

We hope you can join us.

Kath Murdoch

Trevor MacKenzie

Anne Van Dam

Sara K. Ahmed

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SHANGHAI: NEW WORKSHOP!  Growing Assets for Learning: Becoming Stronger Researchers, Communicators, Contributors, Thinkers, Self-Managers, and Collaborators in the Inquiry Classroom
to Apr 12

SHANGHAI: NEW WORKSHOP! Growing Assets for Learning: Becoming Stronger Researchers, Communicators, Contributors, Thinkers, Self-Managers, and Collaborators in the Inquiry Classroom

In the inquiry classroom, we aim to nurture learners who see themselves as capable, curious, resourceful individuals with a strong sense of agency. There is growing evidence of the importance of nurturing the kinds of dispositions and skills associated with agency. Being curious, adventurous, resilient and coupled with the skills of self-management, collaboration, thinking and communication are amongst what we can think of as ‘assets’ for learning. Growing these assets in our learners helps set them on a path to independence and a love of learning for life.

These skills and dispositions do not grow by chance – they are best developed through an explicit, thoughtful, embedded approach that embodies an inquiry stance. The role of the educator is pivotal not only to what young people learn but to the image they have of themselves as learners. In this wonderfully interactive and motivating workshop, Kath will draw upon her vast experience of introducing her ‘learning assets’ to schools all over the world and sharing really practical ways to effectively embed skills and dispositions for learning into our work with children and their families.

This workshop will be very relevant to educators working with the IB Approaches to Learning and Profile Attributes but will also be designed to support any educators who have a framework for ‘learning to learn’. Those participants yet to develop such a framework, will walk away with a template for introducing one and a strong repertoire of strategies to support implementation.

Over the course of 2 days, participants will:

  • Be introduced to a variety of frameworks for learning to learn and deepen their understanding of skills and dispositions for independent learning

  • Take a deep dive into the skills and dispositions associated with self-management, collaboration, research, thinking, communication and contribution

  • Participate in and design learning tasks to explicitly develop skills associated with assets for learning

  • Explore ways to use the ‘language of learning’ in daily classroom discourse

  • Learn how to design ‘split screen’ learning intentions and build learning engagements that focus on the how of learning – not just the what

  • Explore a range of texts we can use to promote skills and dispositions for learning

  • Consider how the micro skills associated with each learning asset can be scoped out and gradually strengthened over time

  • Consider approaches to assessment in relation to these assets for learning

  • Learn how to weave the teaching of these skills and dispositions into a unit of inquiry.

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Bulgaria: From Agency to Zest: a weekend workshop exploring the landscape of inquiry learning in the K-8 classroom
to Mar 17

Bulgaria: From Agency to Zest: a weekend workshop exploring the landscape of inquiry learning in the K-8 classroom

  • Anglo American School of Sofia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Inquiry as an approach to teaching and learning has long been regarded as a powerful means not only to engage students, but as an approach that builds the critical skills and dispositions for learning alongside a commitment to developing deep understanding across the curriculum. Inquiry is more than a way to plan and teach a ‘unit’. It is a stance taken by teachers and learners and a ‘way of being ‘ in the classroom that is truly transformative.  Skilled inquiry teachers know how to nurture and strengthen learner agency. This approach to teaching ignites a zest for learning driven by curiosity and collaboration as students explore questions of significance.

This two day, highly practical workshop is designed explores both the pedagogy of inquiry (how we teach) and the ways in which we can design learning experiences that support and challenge learners as inquirers.  The emphasis in this workshop is on the role of the teacher in the context of inquiry – as artful facilitator and responsive learning designer.

Over the course of the two days, we will explore the following:

Day 1: a focus on pedagogy

·      The teacher as inquirer: activating prior knowledge and tuning into students’ thinking

·      Growing learner assets: creating a culture of inquiry into learning itself

·      The learner as active investigator: designing opportunities and building the skill set for researching/gathering information

·      Cultivating curiosity and sharpening our questioning skills

·      The role of the environment in stimulating, supporting and documenting inquiry

Day 2 : a focus on design

·      Designing for inquiry learning at both lesson level and unit level

·      Designing to meet the needs of all learners – an emphasis on inclusivity

·      How to plan more responsively  - how co-planning can nurture agency

·      Using cycles of inquiry to support planning

·      The role of concepts in framing a powerful inquiry

·      Moving from shared to personal inquiry

·      Tips for collaborative planning and documentation

*Note: for those teachers who have previously attended Kath’s ‘Teaching and Learning through Inquiry’ weekend workshop, this workshop includes some of the same content BUT Kath has built on and refined many of the components to reflect new thinking and recent experience in partner schools.

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Singapore: Planning for Purposeful Inquiry (With Tania Lattanzio)
to Feb 18

Singapore: Planning for Purposeful Inquiry (With Tania Lattanzio)

  • Australian International School Singapore (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Seastar Education and Innovative Global Education are thrilled to announce a very special in person workshop in Singapore

During this 1.5 day workshop, Kath and Tania will draw on their extensive experience of working with schools around the world to support inquiry based teaching and learning

The focus of the workshop is on principles and practices to enhance the planning process. As the school year begins in many parts of the world, many teachers are returning not only to face to face teaching but also to face to face planning in collaborative teams. Ideally, this process is creative and dynamic and can be a powerful professional learning experience in itself.

The workshop will focus on:

Introductions, intentions and invitations 

Key principles for inquiry planning 

Making the most of a cycle of inquiry 

Planning with a focus on conceptual understanding

Planning for authentic, collaborative assessment 

Pitfalls and pivots in collaboration: strategies to enhance the quality of collaboration in our teams 

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Hi Chi Minh City: Teaching and Learning through Inquiry for K-8 Teachers. 2 day workshop
to Nov 26

Hi Chi Minh City: Teaching and Learning through Inquiry for K-8 Teachers. 2 day workshop

  • Saigon South International School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



Inquiry as an approach to teaching and learning has long been regarded as a powerful way not only to engage students in their learning, but to challenge them to think more deeply and apply skills and understandings to new contexts. Many of us like the idea of an inquiry approach but feel less confident with how to use it effectively in the classroom. This two-day workshop is designed to develop participants understanding of inquiry as a stance, inquiry as a pedagogy and inquiry as an approach to designing for learning.

DAY 1 (9:00 AM - 4:00 PM)

Day 1 of this workshop focuses on what we actually mean by an inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning using practical examples from classrooms all over the world. Our first day is all about pedagogy. What does it mean to teach this way? How do inquiry-oriented teachers, teach? What are the key pedagogical practises and how can we include them in our day-to-day teaching? We will explore how to cultivate curiosity, question for deep thinking, release responsibility, observe, listen and notice and build skills and dispositions for lifelong learning.

DAY 2 (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM)

This half-day examines processes for designing journeys/units of inquiry. Kath will take participants through her well-known cycle of inquiry and how this cycle can support collaborative and individual planning and teaching for deep understanding. Examples of powerful inquiries will be shared with a focus on authentic contexts, conceptual understanding and involving learners. Teachers will walk away with some action they are planning to apply to their classroom/role.


We will meet online a few weeks after the workshop. This will provide participants with the opportunity to share their experiences, get feedback and receive further advice on teaching and learning through inquiry.

Throughout the workshop, the following questions will be addressed:

  • Why use an inquiry based approach?

  • How can we adopt an inquiry ‘stance’ in our teaching across the day and across the curriculum?

  • What is the role of the teacher in the inquiry classroom? Where does ‘explicit teaching’ fit into the picture? What does inquiry learning ‘look like’ in the classroom?

  • How is the inquiry classroom organised? How do we curate the space?

  • What does an inquiry-based lesson entail?

  • How do we collaboratively plan/design extended journeys (‘units) for inquiry learning?

  • What strategies can we add to our repertoire to strengthen our inquiry based teaching?

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Delhi: Inquiry Learning: The What The Why And The How! For K-6 Educators
9:00 AM09:00

Delhi: Inquiry Learning: The What The Why And The How! For K-6 Educators



Inquiry as an approach to teaching and learning has long been regarded as a powerful way not only to engage students in their learning, but to challenge them to think more deeply and apply skills and understandings to new contexts. Many of us like the idea of an inquiry approach but feel less confident with how to use it effectively in the classroom. This workshop is designed to help build educators’ prebuild a practical repertoire of strategies and approaches to lesson and unit design to foster inquiry.OBJECTIVES:Throughout the day, we will explore the following questions:

  • Why use an inquiry based approach?

  • How can we adopt an inquiry ‘stance’ in our teaching across the day and across the curriculum?

  • What is the role of the teacher in the inquiry classroom? Where does ‘explicit teaching’ fit into the picture? What does inquiry learning ‘look like’ in the classroom?

  • How is the inquiry classroom organised? How do we curate the space?

  • What does an inquiry-based lesson entail?

  • How do we collaboratively plan/design extended journeys (‘units) for inquiry learning?

  • What strategies can we add to our repertoire to strengthen our inquiry based teaching?

  • Come along and enjoy inquiring into inquiry!


K-6 Educators

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Dubai: Inquiry Learning: The What The Why And The How! For K-6 Educators
9:00 AM09:00

Dubai: Inquiry Learning: The What The Why And The How! For K-6 Educators

  • Holiday Inn Dubai - Al Barsha (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS



Inquiry as an approach to teaching and learning has long been regarded as a powerful way not only to engage students in their learning, but to challenge them to think more deeply and apply skills and understandings to new contexts. Many of us like the idea of an inquiry approach but feel less confident with how to use it effectively in the classroom. This workshop is designed to help build educators’ prebuild a practical repertoire of strategies and approaches to lesson and unit design to foster inquiry.OBJECTIVES:Throughout the day, we will explore the following questions:

  • Why use an inquiry based approach?

  • How can we adopt an inquiry ‘stance’ in our teaching across the day and across the curriculum?

  • What is the role of the teacher in the inquiry classroom? Where does ‘explicit teaching’ fit into the picture? What does inquiry learning ‘look like’ in the classroom?

  • How is the inquiry classroom organised? How do we curate the space?

  • What does an inquiry-based lesson entail?

  • How do we collaboratively plan/design extended journeys (‘units) for inquiry learning?

  • What strategies can we add to our repertoire to strengthen our inquiry based teaching?

  • Come along and enjoy inquiring into inquiry!


K-6 Educators

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ONLINE course. Getting Personal with Inquiry.
to Nov 14

ONLINE course. Getting Personal with Inquiry.

October 17th & 24th, November 7th & 14th 2023

Each Session is for 2 hours

17th & 24th October 2023
London 7:00 am | Zurich 8:00 am | Dubai 10:00 am | India 11:30 am | Hong Kong 2:00 pm | Melbourne 5:00 pm

7th & 14th November 2023
London 6:00 am | Zurich 7:00 am | Dubai 10:00 am | India 11:30 am | Hong Kong 2:00 pm | Melbourne 5:00 pm

For teachers who want to take inquiry further and who believe in the power of personal passions!

There has been growing interest in ‘personalised learning’ for many years now. Increasingly, schools are making arrangements to provide more opportunities for learners to learn to be self-directed and to have their needs and interests met through the curriculum. An inquiry-based approach is in itself, an approach that recognizes the importance of learner voice and choice and of linking new learning to the existing knowledge, experiences and interests of the learner. In this sense, inquiry has always been an approach that nurtured learner agency but this can be amplified when learners can pursue the questions, interests, problems and wonders that matter to them.

Teachers who use an inquiry based approach are committed to helping learners ‘learn to learn’ and to equipping them with the skills and dispositions to more independently investigate questions, problems, issues and interests. But what opportunities do we give learners to do this both within and beyond the “units of inquiry” we may develop? How can we enhance our inquiry program so learners have real opportunities to follow their passions and to truly inquire into those things that matter to them? And why is this so important? This workshop is all about supporting learners to design, pursue and assess their own journeys of inquiry and how these pathways sit alongside collaborative inquiries where learners are building understanding through shared investigations. Organised into x 4 2 hour online sessions across the weekend, teachers will explore a variety of ways to nurture agency through personal inquiry

We will explore the following questions with practical tasks and lots of recent examples from classrooms:

  • Why is personal inquiry important? What’s our purpose?

  • What is the teacher’s role in this and how can we apply quality conferring skills to scaffolding learner thinking in connection with their personal investigations.

  • What does ‘personal inquiry’ look like as learners move through the school?

  • How can we help learners identify their interests? How can we inspire wonderment and curiosity?

  • How can we help learners design effective questions for their investigations?

  • What skills and dispositions do learners need to make this work? How can we teach these?

  • How can we involve learners in co-constructing criteria for routines, content and assessment?

  • How can we involve the wider community and communicate the importance of this practice to parents?

POTENTIAL AUDIENCE:This workshop would best suit K-6 teachers who already have some understanding of inquiry and are using this approach in some form in their school.

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Getting Personal with Inquiry Learning
9:00 AM09:00

Getting Personal with Inquiry Learning

A  workshop for teachers who want to take inquiry further and who believe in the power of personal passions! (NE-year 8)  

“ Whatever your circumstances, you need to find time to be in your element – to do what gives you energy rather than what takes it from you.” Ken Robinson, 2013 

There has been growing interest in ‘personalised learning’ for many years now. Increasingly, schools are making arrangements to provide more opportunities for learners to learn to be self-directed and to have their needs and interests met through the curriculum.  An inquiry-based approach is an approach that recognizes the importance of learner voice and choice and of linking new learning to the existing knowledge, experiences and interests of the learner.  When we provide opportunities for learners to inquire into things that are personally meaningful to them, we also have a unique opportunity for authentic integration of learning areas AND for the development and application of transdisciplinary skills and dispositions.

So, how might we design learning experiences that both within and beyond the ‘unit of inquiry’ that truly honour the interests, questions and passions of our learners?  How can we take the kind of experience already offered through ‘exhibition’ and extend it to all learners across the school? How can we do this in a way that is not overwhelming for learners or for educators! And why is this so important and what is the role of the educator in a more personalized inquiry experience?

Based on over a decade of exploring approaches to personal inquiry, Kath Murdoch share her insights into and help participants explore a range of ways that inquiry can be made more personally meaningful to learners.  

We will explore the following questions with practical tasks and lots of recent examples from classrooms:

  • Why is personal inquiry important? What’s our purpose?

  • What is the teacher’s role in this and how can we apply quality conferring skills to scaffolding learner thinking in connection with their personal investigations.

  • What can ‘personal inquiry’ look like as learners move through the school?

  • How can we help learners identify their interests? How can we inspire wonderment and curiosity?

  • How can we help learners design effective questions for their investigations?

  • How can we make sure personal inquiry time is appropriately stretching? How do we help learners challenge themselves and go beyond the known?

  • What skills and dispositions do learners need to make this work? How can we teach these?

  • How can we make this manageable? What systems and routines and classroom set ups make it work?

  • What resources are available to support this way of working?

I would also recommend you come with at least one other colleague so you can collaborate on an action plan for your return to school.

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Inquiry Learning: What, Why and How?
8:30 AM08:30

Inquiry Learning: What, Why and How?

A Seminar for Classroom Teachers 1-7

Inquiry as an approach to teaching and learning has long been regarded as an effective way not only to engage students in their learning but to challenge them to think deeply and apply skills and understandings to new contexts. Many of us like the idea of an inquiry approach but feel less confident with how to actually use it effectively in the classroom. This workshop is designed for teachers who are newer to inquiry or those who wish to refresh their understanding of the approach and update their pedagogy.

This highly practical, interactive day will explore the following questions:

  • Why use an inquiry based approach?

  • How can we adopt an inquiry ‘stance’ in our teaching across the day?

  • What is the role of the teacher in the inquiry classroom? Where does ‘explicit teaching’ fit into the picture?

  • What does inquiry learning ‘look like’ in the classroom?

  • How is the inquiry classroom organised? How to we curate the space?

  • How can we use an inquiry approach while remaining accountable to the curriculum?

  • What does an inquiry based lesson entail?

  • How do we collaboratively plan/design extended journeys (units) for inquiry learning?

  • How can an inquiry approach help us make connections across the curriculum?

  • What strategies can we add to our repertoire to strengthen our inquiry based teaching?

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Kaleidoscope of Inquiry Conference
to Apr 23

Kaleidoscope of Inquiry Conference

  • Executive Hotel Vancouver Airport (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Chapters International is thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for educators, happening in beautiful Vancouver, Canada on 22nd & 23rd April 2023.

The Kaleidoscope of Inquiry Conference brings together a group of globally renowned educators who, over 1.5 days, will invite participants to take a deep dive into the transformative potential of inquiry-based practices in classrooms, staff rooms and communities at large. Our presenters reflect a diverse range of experiences from teaching preschool through to senior secondary schools and universities. They have worked around the world in a range of settings and bring unique perspectives on the ways in which inquiry can be harnessed for powerful learning. While each presenter has expertise in the field of inquiry learning, this will be the first time they have come together to create such a special professional learning experience!

We hope you can join us.

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 Powering Up Inquiry Learning in your Classroom
to Apr 5

Powering Up Inquiry Learning in your Classroom

A 2 Day Seminar for Primary Teachers

Participants will leave with a treasure trove of strategies, resources and insights into the use of a quality, inquiry based approach to teaching.

About the workshop

The learning landscape is rapidly changing. For teachers in the 21C, adapting to this changing landscape requires new ways of thinking and new instructional strategies that really build students' capacity as learners. An inquiry approach has long been recognized as a powerful way to equip students with the skills, strategies and dispositions needed for independence and creativity in learning. The Australian Curriculum also recognizes the need to engage students in active exploration and promotes the development of inquiry skills in history, science, geography and other areas. Contemporary inquiry practices, however, go beyond the "unit of work" and weave their way across the curriculum. Quality inquiry teaching helps both teachers and students navigate their way through abundant information, rapidly changing technologies, shifting community priorities and the need for both personalized AND collaborative learning.

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An Interactive Online Workshop Teaching and Learning Through Inquiry
to Apr 2

An Interactive Online Workshop Teaching and Learning Through Inquiry

In the true spirit of inquiry Kath has been working hard to develop an online workshop that will ensure teachers continue to have access to practical, professional learning that deepens understanding for classroom and online inquiry.

4 x 2 hour interactive sessions with Kath over two days.

19th March & 2nd April 2023
There will be 2 sessions per day. Each session will be for 2 hours and an hour break in between.

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Inquiry Learning: What, Why and How?
8:30 AM08:30

Inquiry Learning: What, Why and How?

  • NSW - Homebush - Waterview Convention Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A Seminar for Classroom Teachers K-6

Inquiry as an approach to teaching and learning has long been regarded as an effective way not only to engage students in their learning but to challenge them to think deeply and apply skills and understandings to new contexts. Many of us like the idea of an inquiry approach but feel less confident with how to actually use it effectively in the classroom. This workshop is designed for teachers who are newer to inquiry or those who wish to refresh their understanding of the approach and update their pedagogy.

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Getting Personal with Inquiry Learning (K-8)
to Jan 29

Getting Personal with Inquiry Learning (K-8)

  • Holiday Inn Dubai - Al Barsha (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


A workshop for teachers who want to take inquiry further and who believe in the power of personal passions!

During the 1.5 day workshop, we will investigate a range of ways that inquiry can be made more personally meaningful to learners. Importantly, this does not mean we abandon opportunities to inquire together. Both personal and collaborative inquiries can be woven into the school year.

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Teaching and Learning through Inquiry
to Oct 10

Teaching and Learning through Inquiry

An interactive, online workshop.

In the true spirit of inquiry Kath has been working hard to develop an online workshop that will ensure teachers continue to have access to practical, professional learning that deepens understanding for classroom and online inquiry.

Time Involved:
4 x 2 hour interactive sessions with Kath over two consecutive days.

Includes :
Certificate Of Participation For 10 Professional Development Hours.

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Building a culture of and for inquiry in your classroom (K-12)
3:30 PM15:30

Building a culture of and for inquiry in your classroom (K-12)

A * live webinar with Kimberly Mitchell, Trevor Mackenzie and Kath Murdoch

In several parts of the world, a new school year has begun and with new beginnings come opportunities to strengthen and revitalize aspects of our work. For many teachers and students, this new school year sees a return to the classroom after months of remote learning while others begin online. Regardless of the context, our approach to the early weeks and months sets the tone for the year to come. This is a time for intentional culture building, both within the classroom and across the school. I am so excited to be joined by internationally renowned inquiry educators Trevor Mackenzie and Kimberly Mitchell as we share questions, strategies, approaches and examples of culture-building for inquiry. Between the three of us, we have worked with students at all levels and with teachers from all over the world. We plan to bring you the best of our experiences and ideas to power up inquiry from day 1. Even if you are half way thorugh your year - this will be a valuable moment to reflect.

During this webinar, we will address the following questions 
What does a ‘culture of inquiry’ look, sound and feel like?

• What skills and dispositions are needed for effective inquiry learning and how can we ensure these are prioritised throughout the year? 

• How can we involve students in building the kinds of classroom community that will support inquiry? 

• How can we make the most of the physical and virtual environment to enhance inquiry?

• What strategies help build a strong sense of community and connection in our classrooms and across the school? 

• How can we invite student voice into the plans we are making for a year of inquiry learning?

• How can we nurture an inquiry mindset in ourselves as teachers and learners? 

Kimberly, Trevor and Kath will share experiences and ideas and participants will also have the opportunity to pose questions throughout the session.

3.30- 5 pm AEST (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Tasmania) 

6.30-8 am – London 

7.30 – 9 am Munich

11.00 – 1.00 pm India 

1.30 – 3 pm Hong Kong, China, Singapore

2.30 – 4 pm, Tokyo, Korea

*Note: the webinar will be recorded for registrants unable to attend the live session. The link will be sent after the session and be active for 1 week.

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