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Inquiry In Action: JAKARTA

  • Jakarta Intercultural School China (map)

A unique, classroom-based professional learning experience, exploring the pedagogy of inquiry across learning areas.

‘Inquiry in Action’ is a unique opportunity to grow your understanding of inquiry through observation and reflection. This boutique workshop invites educators to spend time in classrooms, watching skilled inquiry teachers at work in different areas of the curriculum and with different age groups. Our focus is on inquiry as a stance. While there are techniques and emphases particular to learning areas, there are many shared strategies that can be transferred across the day.

Participants in this workshop will spend time observing ‘learning labs’ followed by opprountities for guided analysis, reflection and transfer of the ideas to their own setting. They will emerge from the experience with a deeper understanding of the way in which they can nurture agency, cultivate curiosity, question for deeper thinking and release more responsibility to young learners. 

Although their work focuses on different learning areas, Kath Murdoch and Matt Glover have a common passion for inquiry as a vehicle for powerful teaching and learning. As global consultants, both Kath and Matt regularly work in classrooms, helping teachers to get a better picture of the design of an inquiry-based lesson. They are thrilled to be partnering in this event. They have invited Megan Holmstrom, a consultant in math education, to join them in the inaugural ‘Inquiry in Action’ workshop in Berlin and then also in Jakarta. And they have invited Paul Andersen, a consultant in science education, to join them in Jakarta.