Take a Moment: 40 frameworks for reflective thinking

Reflective thinking is widely recognised as a critical skill in learning – and learning to learn. Increasingly, teachers are encouraging students to ‘take a moment’ and think about why, what and how they are learning. Trialled extensively in classrooms, this book offers a variety of practical frameworks to support student reflection.

 About the TAM eBook

Take A Moment: 40 frameworks for reflective thinking was first printed as a paperback in 2005 by Seastar Education Publishing.

This excellent resource is now available to Australian customers for AUD$10.00 (inc gst) and to international customers for AUD$9.09

The Take a Moment ebook is presented in pdf format as 56 single pages in one 8mb file.

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Note:  This product may not be shared without the permission of the author (kmurdoch@kathmurdoch.com.au).  Single pages of the Take a Moment PDF may be reproduced for classroom teaching purposes only.  All other uses require the permission of the author. Copyright for “Take a Moment: 40 frameworks for reflective thinking” remains strictly with the author Kath Murdoch.


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